
Binghamton - Biopharmaceutical research and manufacturing holds great promise for economic growth in New York. If properly developed and supported this sector could be the engine driving an economic resurgence in New York. That is the finding of a new study by the Public Policy Institute, the research arm of The Business Council of New York State, entitled “New York Must Step Up Its Game: The Global Struggle for Biopharmaceutical Jobs”
ALBANY—“The economic advantages of developing the Marcellus Shale are significant — New York would see thousands of new private-sector jobs, new private sector investments, an expanded and diverse tax base and leasing and royalty payments to landowners. New York can not simply stand on the sidelines while Pennsylvania other states see the employment and economic benefits from shale exploration
ALBANY— The Business Council welcomes Darren Suarez as a new director of government affairs. In that roll, he will foster The Business Council's advocacy efforts by spearheading the Council's energy and environment committees. He will use his extensive knowledge of environment and energy issues in New York to formulate a legislative agenda that reduces barriers to private sector investment and economic growth
ALBANY— “The passage of a property tax cap is great news for all New Yorkers. It sends a signal to business leaders that the state is prepared to control the cost of government and begin to rebuild our private sector economy,” said Heather Briccetti, acting-president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc
ALBANY— “Creating health exchanges under the federal health care reform law is a complex and challenging endeavor. If New York makes mistakes now they will damage our economy for many years to come,” said Heather Briccetti, acting-president & CEO of The Business Council of New York. “Finding affordable, quality health plans is the number one cost of doing business issue for many businesses in our state
ALBANY— “Legislation to repeal the ill-conceived jobs tax that supports the MTA is welcome and should be supported,” said Heather Briccetti, acting-president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “The businesses in the MTA region need tax relief to grow and add jobs. This year's state budget sent the right message to business
ALBANY— Baseball Hall of Famer Jim Rice will be the featured guest at The Business Council of New York State's Fourth Annual Business Council Member Golf Classic on Monday, July 18 at the Otesaga Hotel in Cooperstown. The Golf Tournament will be held on the Leatherstocking Golf Course at the Otesaga
ALBANY— “The new property tax cap proposal moves New York closer to an economic recovery. Now both houses of the legislature have agreed with Gov. Andrew Cuomo that New York needs to implement a hard tax cap in order to protect taxpayers and businesses. A cap will help bring fiscal discipline to government and dramatically improve the business climate in the state
ALBANY— The gap is widening between New York's manufacturing industry and that of other states, and regaining the Empire State's stature as a national — and a global — leader in the sector is critical to economic growth and job creation. The Public Policy Institute, the research arm of The Business Council of New York State, Inc
ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is launching a radio spot to support Gov. Cuomo's proposed two percent property tax cap. “The property tax cap is overwhelmingly supported by voters in survey after survey. Our manufacturing members have told us in a survey that property tax rates are a major hurdle to investment and job growth in New York,” said Heather Briccetti, acting president and CEO of The Business Council