
ALBANY—“We are surprised and disappointed by Comptroller DiNapoli's attacks on pension reform. When given an honest presentation of the facts there should be little dispute that a Tier VI plan is needed in New York. Pension costs are exploding at all levels of government across the state and we are rapidly approaching a tipping point
Syracuse, NY — Several Onondaga County town and village leaders joined CenterState CEO and the Committee to Save New York (CSNY), today to announce their support of Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposed mandate relief plan. Governor Cuomo's mandate reform proposals will save Onondaga County taxpayers more than $24 million over the next five years
ALBANY—New York has one of the highest pension burdens in the nation — second only to Alaska — and it's about to get worse: the state's (i.e., taxpayer's) required payment will soon skyrocket from its current level at $1.5 billion to $2 billion in 2014. Our current pension system is already unsustainable, and the generational surge in retirees will mean that our younger population will be forced to carry the fiscal burden
Albany N.Y. - The leaders of the Let New York Work are calling on all state legislators to join with the governor and support his plan to create a Tier VI retirement for future employees, an essential step to improve the pension system for employees and make our communities more affordable. Let NY Work: A Common Agenda for the Common Good is a historic effort led by a coalition of prominent business, local government and educational organizations
COMMITTEE TO SAVE NY AND BUSINESS COUNCIL JOINS BUFFALO NIAGARA PARTNERSHIP AND ELECTED OFFICIALS IN SUPPORTING STATE PENSION REFORM Erie County Pension Costs Skyrocketed 142 Percent Since 2009, Continue to Grow (BUFFALO, NY) February 2, 2012 — The Committee to Save New York (CSNY), a statewide coalition of citizens and taxpayers concerned about the economic future of New York State, hosted a press conference today in support of Governor Andrew Cuomo's proposed Tier VI Pension reform plan
ALBANY— The New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), in consultation with the Public Service Commission (PSC), completed a benefit-cost study (including job creation and economic development impacts) of installing 2,500 MW of PV by 2020, and/or 5,000 MW by 2025. “The NYSERDA study confirms that SolarRECs will cost the people of New York jobs and will increase rates,” said Heather Briccetti, President and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc
Albany N.Y. - Two of New York's leading business organizations expressed dismay today, at the prospect of New York adopting an increased minimum wage law that would put its members at a distinct competitive disadvantage. Despite repeated studies that demonstrate that minimum wage increases do nothing to decrease poverty or increase employment, the bill introduced today by Speaker Silver seeks to increase New York's minimum wage from $7
ALBANY—The Business Council held its 2012 Legislators' Reception at Hotel Albany (formerly known as the Crowne Plaza Albany). Heather Briccetti, President and CEO of The Business Council, spoke to the 700+ attendees (who included Business Council members, legislative leaders and guests from around the state) on the organization's agenda for 2012
Help Create Tourism Jobs in New York Ask The White House and Congress to Expedite Tourism Visas Now! New York has everything that international tourists seek in a vacation: the majestic Niagara Falls, rolling hills surrounding the Finger Lakes, the historic Hudson Valley and the famous New York City skyline
ALBANY— “For the second year in a row, Governor Cuomo has presented a budget designed to strengthen New York's economy. This budget builds on the strong foundation that was laid last year and will encourage existing businesses to grow while bringing new businesses to New York. The Governor's budget that closes a $2 billon spending-gap with no new taxes or fees sends a clear signal to business leaders that the state is prepared to control the cost of government and continue to rebuild our private-sector economy