
ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing incumbent Republican James Alesi for the New York State Senate in the 55th Senate district. “Jim Alesi has long been a champion for business in the New York State Senate. When he was chairman of the Economic Development Committee he fought for policies to help business grow and create jobs in New York,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council
ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Jack Quinn for the New York State Senate in the 58th Senate district. “Jack Quinn has a plan to reduce taxes and state spending. In the last two years the Democratic majorities in the Senate and Assembly have imposed billions of dollars in new taxes on New Yorkers to maintain state spending levels we simply cannot afford,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State
ALBANY— "It is a pleasure to be here on behalf of The Business Council of New York State to endorse the candidacy of Andrew Cuomo for Governor of New York. The Business Council represents employers of all sizes in all business sectors from every part of our great state. Our mission is to advocate in Albany for policies that will create good jobs, economic growth and strong communities all across New York
ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Tom O'Mara, Republican/Conservative candidate for the New York State Senate in the 53rd Senate district. “Tom O'Mara has focused on ways in which state government can improve the climate for doing business by cutting taxes, lowering state spending, eliminating overregulation and getting our upstate counties off the list of the most oppressive property tax burdens in the nation,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council
ALBANY— Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for Governor, will speak at The Business Council of New York State's Annual Meeting at 8:15 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010 at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George in Bolton Landing, New York. Paladino will be the first speaker at the meeting's opening dinner on Wednesday night
ALBANY— New York still falls behind most states in terms of population and personal income growth over the past decade, but continues to top the list of highest-taxed states in the nation, according to the Public Policy Institute (PPI), the research affiliate of The Business Council of New York State, Inc
ALBANY— James R. Houghton, former chairman and CEO of Corning Incorporated, will receive The Business Council of New York State's Corning Award for Excellence for 2010. Houghton will receive the award Thursday evening, September 30, at The Business Council's Annual Meeting at The Sagamore, Bolton Landing, NY
ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is releasing its 2010 Voters' Guide covering state legislators' voting records during the 2009-2010 legislative sessions. The guide is available to all New Yorkers on The Business Council's website Unfortunately, the guide shows a discouraging lack of recognition among many state legislators of the impact their votes have on the state's economy
ALBANY— New York state employers responding to a Business Council survey have once again overwhelmingly identified employee health care as their top cost-of-doing-business concern. The new survey also showed strong employer concern about business taxes and economic development incentives. “The survey findings help set the priorities the Business Council will work on with a new governor and state legislature in 2011,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of the Business Council
ALBANY— Despite overwhelming frustration with state government and a difficult economic climate, employers who responded to a Business Council survey were optimistic about economic recovery. “Although they have dealt with a difficult recession and a hostile business environment in New York, our members believe their businesses will grow and their bottom lines will improve over the next 18 months,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc