
ALBANY, N.Y.—“The Business Council of New York State, Inc. applauds today’s decision by the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to allow for the safe siting, construction and operation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities in the state. As result of this decision, New York will join all other states in the nation in allowing LNG facilities
ALBANY—Due to impending weather conditions, The Business Council of New York State has postponed all Tuesday, January 27 events to Wednesday February 25 at The Hilton, Albany. These events include: President's Council/Government Affairs Council Board of Directors Meetings Chamber Alliance of New York State (CANYS) Meeting Annual Legislators’ Reception MWBE Networking Reception Revised details and schedules for these events will be available as soon as the arrangements are confirmed
ALBANY, N.Y.—“The Business Council of New York State, Inc. agrees with Governor Cuomo that ‘business is the engine that pulls the train’. “He has put a number of issues on the table to improve our economic climate, promote economic growth and private sector investment across New York State, especially in areas that have been lagging economically
ALBANY, N.Y.—With Governor Cuomo unveiling his administration’s New York State of Opportunity Agenda in a speech to a joint session of the New York State Legislature on January 21, The Business Council of New York State is offering a Top Ten list of actions the Governor should address to improve the state’s business climate
ALBANY, N.Y.—The Business Council of New York State is opposed to increasing the minimum wage and to establishing a two-tier system which would be extremely difficult for businesses to implement. Dramatically increasing the minimum wage in such an accelerated timeframe will create a drag on job creation at both the entry level, and in industries where wage scales are related to the minimum wage
Troy, N.Y.—The Public Policy Institute of New York State (PPI) and Citizens Bank today announced an initiative to engage more New York businesses with public education to promote science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education. The initiative was announced Monday, January 12, during a visit to the Riverfront P-TECH academy, a partnership of The Troy City School District, Hudson Valley Community College and the three corporate partners – Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, GE Healthcare and Simmons Machine Tool Corporation
ALBANY, N.Y.—The Business Council of New York State extends heartfelt condolences to the Cuomo family on the passing of former Governor Mario M. Cuomo—a strong and eloquent leader who inspired many and influenced the course of New York State over three terms as Governor. Heather C. Briccetti, Esq
Wage Theft Prevention Act Reform “All private sector employers in New York will get welcome relief under the “wage theft” reform bill signed yesterday by Governor Cuomo,” said Ken Pokalsky, Vice President.   This bill – S.5885-B (Savino)/A.8106-C (Heastie) - repeals a mandate that employers, each January, provide all of their in-state employees with a written notice that includes company, wage rate and other information, and obtain from each employee their signature certifying receipt of the notice
Public Policy Institute of New York resumes tracking New York job creation and unemployment Albany, N.Y. — Monday, December 29 — Job growth statewide in New York increased and unemployment declined in November according an analysis released today by The Public Policy Institute (PPI), the research arm of The Business Council of New York State, Inc
ALBANY, N.Y.—The New Year is a popular time for resolutions and with that in mind, the state’s leading business organization—The Business Council of New York State—is urging state leaders to make a resolution to improve the state’s business climate. “Resolutions are easy to make, but keeping them is harder because that requires a plan which usually involves diet, exercise and will power