
The Assembly has scheduled public hearings in May in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Albany to examine proposals to improve the upstate economy. The Council plans to testify. Citing tax cuts, reduced workers' compensation rates, and reduced-rate power available for job creation and retention under the Power for Jobs program, the Assembly's hearing announcement said the state's economy has improved
The number of new state regulations has been cut in half since Governor Pataki created the Governor's Office of Regulatory Reform, a new report from GORR says. "We'll keep slashing away at the tangle of red tape so often involved in government bureaucracy," David S. Bradley, GORR's acting director, said
A new Assembly bill that would require health-care insurers to provide coverage of infertility treatments has re-energized debate about health-care mandates and their effects on health-care costs. The bill, sponsored by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, would mandate that any health insurance that covers hospital stays, surgical care, and medical care must also cover costs of diagnosis and treatments for infertility, including drug therapy, artificial insemination and in-vitro fertilization
A workers' compensation reform that has been a top Council priority for several years is part of new legislation-the second bill introduced this session that would make the same reform. The "Small Business Support Act of 1999," developed and sponsored by Senator Nicholas Spano (R-Westchester), addresses longtime priorities of The Council's Workers' Compensation Committee and Small Business Council
Bulletin #2: April 26, 1999  Just The Facts: New York State is a leader in spending This year's debate over the state budget boils down to one key question: How much should spending go up in the coming year? The health-care lobbyists, the education establishment and others are hoping the answer is several multiples of the inflation rate
Governor Pataki has proposed abolishing current regulations on the commercial insurance industry, giving new momentum to the call for insurance deregulation. The Governor's plan, which was announced April 15, would eliminate the requirement that the state Insurance Department approve many commercial policies
Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno has proposed a debt-reform plan that would cut the state's projected debt by $6 billion over five years and reform its borrowing practices. The Senate plan would eliminate "back-door borrowing"--that is, borrowing not expressly approved by voters
Bulletin #1: April 12, 1999  Surplus? What surplus? Long-term, New York has none The tax-and-spend crowd says New York has a huge surplus. Reflecting the old political culture of Albany, they believe the only choice is to spend more. They want more money for hospitals, even though our per-capita spending on hospital services is more than twice the levels of California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and other states
ALBANY—State and local government spending in New York is second-highest among the 50 states, at nearly 52 percent above the national average. And the state is far ahead of its competitors in taxpayer spending on hospitals, Medicaid, schools and welfare. Those are among the data in Just The Facts: Key Economic and Social Indicators for New York State, published today by The Public Policy Institute
State Government Taxes Per Capita, 1998 Rank State Amt. Rank State Amt. 1 Connecticut $2,869 27 West Virginia $1,663 2 Delaware 2,665 28 Indiana 1,652 3 Hawaii 2,662 29 Illinois 1,641 4 Minnesota 2,434 30 Vermont 1,621 5 Massachuse 2,357 31 Arkansas 1,598 6 Michigan 2,210 32 Nebraska 1,584 7 Wisconsin 2,135 33 Oklahoma 1,584 8 Washington 2,075 34 Mississippi 1,578 9 California 2,073 35 Ohio 1,574 10 New Mexico 2,058 36 Virginia 1,552 11 NEW YORK $1,989 37 Oregon 1,523 12 Alaska 1,932 38 Georgia 1,517 13 New Jersey 1,923 39 Montana 1,513 14 Maine 1,905 40 Missouri 1,512 15 Nevada 1,848 41 Florida 1,509 16 North 1,838 42 Arizona 1,489 17 Utah 1,828 43 Colorado 1,485 18 Kentucky 1,807 44 South 1,482 19 Rhode 1,805 45 Louisiana 1,392 20 Maryland 1,790 46 Alabama 1,318 21 Wyoming 1,779 47 Tennessee 1,288 22 Kansas 1,768 48 Texas 1,246 23 Pennsylvani 1,719 49 South 1,129 24 North 1,690 50 New 851 25 Iowa 1,678 U