
ALBANY—Property tax relief for business is an essential component of any reform recommendations, Business Council Senior Director of Government Affairs Ken Pokalsky has told a commission studying ways to lessen the state's real property tax burden. “Outside of New York City, business pays nearly $9 billion in total property taxes – 40% of the total,” Pokalsky told the New York State Commission on Real Property Tax Relief at an April 23 hearing
ALBANY—Business Council president & CEO Kenneth Adams said, "While we recognize the unique and difficult circumstances that accompanied this year's budget process, it was disappointing to the Business Council and our members that the FY 2009 budget approved this week contains both spending increases and new taxes
ALBANY— “The Business Council believes that the plan to impose new taxes and fees on New York's financial services industry is an ill-timed decision that could seriously impact this important sector at a time when it can least afford it. While we understand the unique and difficult circumstances facing the Governor and the Legislature this budget season, the state's business community remains extremely concerned that the budget's proposed combination of increased spending and new taxes and fees will make New York less competitive at this critical juncture
A look at the growth of the New York state budget since Democrat Mario Cuomo took office in 1983 as governor, Republican George Pataki took over in 1995, Democrat Eliot Spitzer became governor in 2007, and Democrat David Paterson became governor in March of 2008: Fiscal Year Total Budget Increase 1982-83 $25
ALBANY— Based on initial information regarding the budget now being finalized by Governor Paterson and the State Legislature, the FY 2009 budget would appear to be a lost opportunity for New York to move toward much needed budget discipline. Additionally, The Business Council is concerned that the spending increases and new taxes and fees included in this budget have the potential to put our state at a competitive disadvantage at a time when our local economy especially Upstate can ill afford further obstacles
ALBANY— The Business Council has launched the third wave in its media blitz to state lawmakers, calling for additional reductions in state spending and no new taxes or fees in the FY09 budget. The Council's “Tough Budget Choices” radio ad began playing in the Albany media market this morning, calling on lawmakers and the Governor to reduce spending in the state budget by making the same kind of difficult budget choices that legislatures in other states have done
State legislative leaders and Governor David Paterson announced late Thursday that they have reached agreement on a “framework” of a budget deal for New York State. This deal would not include the Assembly's plan to raise the income tax on those earning more than $1 million
The Senate Republicans and Assembly Democrats each introduced an alternative budget plan this week. The Senate's came out in the form of a legislative resolution, while the Assembly introduced amended versions of the Governor's budget bills. Both the Senate resolution and the Assembly budget bills were approved by their respective houses this week
As we move through this difficult transition, we must redouble our efforts to address the pressing needs of New York State and its economy in these challenging times. We look forward to working with incoming Governor Paterson and the leaders of the legislature to implement policies that will increase economic growth, create jobs and strengthen communities across the state
ALBANY—The Business Council is applauding the Senate Majority for its attempts to rein in spending and its announcement that it will reject both the $1.7 billion in tax and fee increases included in the Executive Budget, and the Assembly Majority's proposed $1.5 billion increase in the state's personal income tax