
ALBANY— “The Business Council supports Gov. David Paterson's call for government reform to provide taxpayers relief, specifically the property tax cap, mandate relief and efforts to make local governments more efficient. We also look forward to working with the Governor on public-private partnerships to maximize state assets
ALBANY— “Gov. David Paterson's call to reform state finances must be taken seriously by the state legislature to allow our economy to recover and create jobs for New Yorkers,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “We have 850,000 people out of work in New York – reducing the cost of government so that we can reduce taxes is the fastest route to recovery
ALBANY— “New state air pollution rules could make New York less competitive for businesses compared to other states,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State. “These new rules will impede efforts by New York manufacturers and power generators to become more productive and energy efficient
ALBANY— “Imposing new requirements on companies already participating in the Empire Zone program will have a chilling effect on future economic development efforts in New York,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State. “You're telling a company that is honoring its deal that now you're going to change the rules so you can throw them out of the program
ALBANY— “Gov. David Paterson's proposal to allow the sale of wine in grocery stores is good for the economy and good for consumers,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State. “Allowing supermarkets and grocery stores to sell wine will create new markets for upstate and Long Island wineries and convenience for consumers,” added Adams
ALBANY— With New York's economy already weak, billions of dollars in new and increased taxes as proposed in Gov. David Paterson's Executive Budget proposal would make things worse, according to The Business Council of New York State. “Taxing everything from health insurance to soft drinks to clothing will make life much harder on employers trying to retain and create jobs, and on working New Yorkers trying to make ends meet in this bad economy,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council
ALBANY— New York's above-average construction costs would increase even more under new proposals which would impose prevailing-wage requirements on development projects funded by local economic development agencies, a new study released by the New York State Economic Development Council (NYSEDC) has concluded
ALBANY— “The Business Council of New York State recognizes the importance of the MTA to the New York metropolitan region and the need for an effective funding mechanism. We appreciate the work of the Ravitch Commission in trying to deal with this issue. However, the Business Council is very concerned that imposing a new tax on jobs, while we are struggling to retain jobs in the region, could be counterproductive
ALBANY— “The Business Council of New York State agrees with Gov. David Paterson that New York needs a property tax cap and mandate relief for local schools,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State. “To make New York's economy competitive again we need to reduce the cost of living and doing business here,” added Adams
ALBANY—New York state employers responding to a Business Council survey have once again overwhelmingly identified employee health care as their top cost-of-doing-business concern. The new survey also showed strong employer concern about energy and business taxes. “The survey findings will determine the priorities the Council will work on with Governor David Paterson and the Legislature in 2009,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of the Business Council, “And they help provide us with a clear direction and key objectives as we push to improve the business climate in New York