S.5240 (Sanders) / A.2987 (Zebrowski)


Vice President


S.5240 (Sanders) / A.2987 (Zebrowski)


Magnetic Tape and Electronic Means As A Permitted Form of Service



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The Business Council supports S.5240 (Sanders) / A.2987 (Zebrowski), which expands permitted forms of service for tax levy purposes to include magnetic tape and electronic transmission.

The Business Council has long been a proponent of taking advantage of technology to help New Yorkers conduct business in efficient and cost-saving ways.  

As currently written, New York Tax Law is silent on whether levies for personal income tax and corporate tax incomes can be served through electronic means.  As a result, agencies like the Department of Tax and Finance and the New York City Department of Finance are required to serve service of process physically, which results in expensive and wasteful printing, postage and mailing costs. 

By expressly permitting the adoption of electronic filing, there would be immediate cost savings and efficiency brought to this process as well as a positive environmental impact, that will also help reduce errors.

For these reasons, The Business Council supports the adoption of S.5240 (Sanders) / A.2987 (Zebrowski) and urges the approval of Legislature.