Text of letter to Governor Pataki From Daniel B. Walsh


Honorable George E. Pataki
Executive Chamber
The Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

Dear Governor:

My heartfelt congratulations on a superb, uplifting State of the State message. Your vision remains focused on the tremendous future New York has before it—not on the bumps in the road. You project confidence in New York, because you know New Yorkers, and what they can achieve. That's the essence of leadership.

Among many other things, we are pleased and gratified that you will go forward with the state's ongoing tax-cut program, and expand it.

But perhaps the most important thing I can say about this decision is that I am not one bit surprised. This is simply George Pataki—the man who set New York on the road to its comeback, and who is going to keep us on course, come what may.

You know what works, and you know what doesn't work. You will see us through.


Signed: Daniel B. Walsh