Business Council optimistic State will lift ban on LNG facilities


Director of Communications

ALBANY, N.Y.—The Business Council of New York State issued the following statement today in support of lifting the current ban on the development of liquefied natural gas facilities in the state.

“The Business Council is optimistic that after decades New York may once again allow the construction of liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities. By adopting regulations governing LNG, New York will join the 49 other states that have already adopted substantially similar regulation, today's proposed amendments to restrict permitting to facilities with a capacity of no more than 70,000 gallons, is consistent with the threshold used by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)” said Darren Suarez, director of government affairs for The Business Council. “LNG has been used in the United States, and worldwide, for more than forty years and it has an excellent safety record. It is time for sensible regulations to be adopted.”