Statement from The Business Council on Economic Development Funding Awardees


Director of Communications

ALBANY—“As a competitor in the global marketplace, New York is changing the way we do business. Our regional economic councils are a shining example of how New York has repositioned itself to attract industry and expand our economy.

New York's regional councils should be commended for their work, which includes more than 700 innovative projects aimed at improving our state's economy on a regional basis.

Through public and private partnerships, the councils are reaffirming New York's commitment to building a place where business can grow, development can flourish, new technologies are developed and jobs created.

We congratulate not only the top four awardees - Western, Central New York, the North Country and Long Island - but all the regions that have come together to create opportunities and make New York a great place to attract and do business."

-Heather Briccetti, acting-president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.