Letter to Cuomo; Put an End to "Hidden" Utility Tax


Director of Communications

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of New York State
The New York State Capitol
Albany, NY 12224

Dear Governor Cuomo:

For the third straight year, the Executive Budget shows an unprecedented commitment to fiscal discipline. The proposed budget contains numerous provisions intended to address the critical matters of the state.

The associations listed below, which represent numerous interests in New York, are writing to urge the reconsideration of the extension of the Temporary State Energy and Utility Service Conservation Assessment (often referred to as 18-a). The provision (Part N) would extend the 2 percent assessment, which was scheduled to be reduced to 1 percent this year. Extending the fee will cost all energy consumers (businesses, governments, schools, non-profits and residences) in the state $236 million in 2014 and a total of $2.8 billion over the next six years.

When this temporary fee was imposed, there was an explicit promise to the people of the state that this assessment would not be permanent. Please utilize the 21-day amendments process to amend the 2013-14 Executive Budget recommendation and remove TED Part N.

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