Governor Cuomo's Education Reform Commission Issues Recommendations


Director of Communications

Statement from Business Council President Heather Briccetti

ALBANY—“Yesterday, Cuomo's Education Reform Commission put forth a list of recommendations on how to improve student achievement in New York. The Business Council of New York State is committed to working with the Governor and the Legislature to ensure that students have all the skills necessary to be successful in the post-high school world.

“One of the proposals included in the commission's 'Putting Students First' report urged New York to build on the success of early college high schools. Last month, The Business Council, IBM and the New York State Education Department hosted a conference on how to close the growing skills gap in the U.S., which has resulted from a gross mismatch between job-seekers and unfilled jobs. By offering alternative pathways in education that incorporate a traditional academic curriculum and technical education, we can better prepare students for entrance into college and career.

“As the Governor mentioned during the press conference yesterday, the education system has become too bureaucratic, losing sight of the students it's intended to serve. Undertaking major reform initiatives, including the utilization of public-private partnerships and multiple educational pathways, are crucial if we want to change the status quo.”

Click here to view the Commission's recommendations and report.