Business Council statement on shale development delay


Director of Communications

ALBANY—“Recognizing the economic challenges facing New York, and in particular upstate New York, The Business Council has been a steadfast supporter of shale development. The economic opportunities and potential jobs that it would bring could have a lasting positive impact on the region and the state.

We agree with DEC Commissioner Marten's when he says that, "the science, not emotion, will determine the outcome" of shale gas development, and that delays in the Department of Health's Public Health Review does not mean that the issuance of permits for high-volume hydraulic fracturing would be delayed.

With many studies complete it is obvious that the science is clearly on the side of moving forward. Further delay will only have negative impact on our economy and our ability to create good-paying jobs.”

Heather Briccetti, president and CEO, The Business Council of New York State, Inc.