Business Council on Governor Cuomo's 2013 State of the State Address


Director of Communications

ALBANY—We are pleased that Governor Cuomo's 2013 State of the State message extends his commitment to restraining state spending and avoiding new or increased broad-based taxes. New York is in a stronger position today due to the enactment of critical reforms backed by The Business Council, including a 2 percent cap on the growth of property taxes; pension reforms; a new, permanent economic development low-cost power program and a fiscally responsible state budget.

We also applaud the Governor's focus on improving the performance of the state's education and workforce development programs to assure that we have the skilled workforce necessary to support future economic progress. He also proposes important unemployment insurance and workers' compensation program reforms designed to provide across-the-board savings for business.

Recognizing both the economic challenges and opportunities facing New York, and in particular upstate New York, he has proposed several innovative approaches to supporting new business growth. We look forward to reviewing the details of his economic development proposals.

However, we have concerns regarding several initiatives announced today that could impose new costs or new barriers on business. These include: significant new energy initiatives funded, at least in part, through increased rates or assessments, new “pay equity”-related enforcement mechanisms, an increased state minimum wage; tighter regional carbon emission limits that will increase energy costs on consumers; and others.

As we start a new year and new legislative session, The Business Council looks forward to seeing the details on the Governor's proposals and continuing our strong working relationships with the Governor, the Senate and the Assembly.

- Heather Briccetti, President and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.