The Business Council endorses Quinn for State Senate


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Jack Quinn for the New York State Senate in the 58th Senate district.

“Jack Quinn has a plan to reduce taxes and state spending. In the last two years the Democratic majorities in the Senate and Assembly have imposed billions of dollars in new taxes on New Yorkers to maintain state spending levels we simply cannot afford,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State.

“To create jobs and move our economy forward we must put New York's fiscal house in order. New York cannot afford ever increasing taxes that still lead to ever increasing deficits. Jack Quinn understands that and will support sensible policies to put our state on the road to recovery,” added Adams.

Quinn supports the Business Council's Enough Already NY campaign's Five to Survive economic reform agenda which includes: a property tax cap; a state spending cap; reducing the tax burden; reforming public employee pensions and limiting government borrowing.

Quinn also scored 83 percent on the Business Council's Voters' Guide for his votes in the Assembly.

The endorsement comes through the Business Council's Political Action Committee.
