Statement from Kenneth Adams on Business Council's endorsement of Andrew Cuomo for Governor


Director of Communications

ALBANY— "It is a pleasure to be here on behalf of The Business Council of New York State to endorse the candidacy of Andrew Cuomo for Governor of New York.

The Business Council represents employers of all sizes in all business sectors from every part of our great state.

Our mission is to advocate in Albany for policies that will create good jobs, economic growth and strong communities all across New York.

For years we have supported a fiscal reform agenda that would make New York more competitive and accelerate the growth of an innovation economy in our great state.

However, too often, these proposals have fallen on deaf ears back at the capital. For years, governors and legislative leaders have raised spending at rates much higher than the rate of inflation and then passed tax increases to support this unsustainable spending while also approving mandates and regulations that make matters even worse at the local level.

The result is one of the most hostile business climates in the United States, loss of jobs and population, especially upstate, and personal income growth ranked 36 out of 50 states. Even without the drag of a national recession, New York has a failing economy.

We are at a critical moment in New York's history. But we still have a chance to turn back from the edge of the cliff and enact the major reforms needed to get New York's economy growing again.

To do that – to put New York on a path to lasting economic recovery - we need intelligent, experienced and forceful leadership in Albany.

Andrew Cuomo has embraced many of the reforms that The Business Council has supported for years.

Like Andrew Cuomo, we believe these reforms can indeed lead to a “New New York” – a New York that can compete with rival states for new investment, that provides predictable and supportive conditions for our businesses, and that offer our citizens, especially our young people, productive, fulfilling lives with good jobs.

Among the most important of these reforms is a cap on real property taxes. We know that New York has some of the highest property taxes in the nation. This is a huge issue for business. Outside of New York City, businesses pay 40 percent of the property tax levy.

A cap is the first step in ultimately providing property tax relief.

To do that we must right-size state and local governments and make our schools and local services more efficient.

We all want a quality educational system for the state's children, but we cannot continue to spend at levels far above the rest of the nation. We need consolidation and fewer mandates from Albany to control costs.

Andrew Cuomo's New New York Agenda shows that he understands these issues.

We also share his support for a state spending cap. If a spending cap had been in place for the last 10 years, New York's budget would be in a far more manageable position now. A cap will force the discipline to reduce state spending to sustainable levels.

The Business Council also supports Andrew Cuomo's proposals to:

  • Finish implementing workers' compensation reforms to provide savings to the state's employers.

  • Enact a permanent economic development power program to offset New York's high energy costs for energy intensive businesses.

  • Make improvements in the new Excelsior Jobs program to make it more effective for upstate manufacturers.

  • And support for economic development programs that will tap into the tremendous advantages New York has in higher education and human capital to encourage the growth of an innovation economy.

Beyond our support of his economic policy agenda, The Business Council believes that Andrew Cuomo has the experience, the leadership skills and the passion and commitment to make these essential reforms real.

We are confident that he will be able to work with like-minded legislators on both sides of the aisle to deliver on this agenda and truly create a New New York.

The Business Council of New York State is pleased to endorse Andrew Cuomo for Governor."

The endorsement comes through The Business Council's Political Action Committee. This is the first time in its thirty-year history that The Business Council of New York State, Inc. has endorsed candidates for elected office.