Business Council says now is the time to put New York back to work


Director of Communications

ALBANY— “As the election results become final all New Yorkers must look forward and pull together to put our state back on the road to economic recovery. We congratulate Governor-elect Cuomo on his victory and urge him to begin immediately in the work of restraining state spending and lowering the tax burden to build a new New York,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.

“Putting together a budget that responds to the deficit but leads to private sector job growth is going to be the challenge. The urgency of the economic crisis facing New York state demands immediate preparation," added Adams.

“The Business Council endorsed Andrew Cuomo because he supports our fiscal reform agenda. It is now time to work with legislators on both sides of the aisle to make that agenda real,” said Adams. “Just last week the Tax Foundation reported that New York has the most hostile tax climate in the nation. New York must lower taxes and spending to become competitive again and the new Governor understands that.”

The Business Council supports a five point fiscal reform agenda to revive New York, which includes: a property tax cap; state spending cap; public employee pension reform; lower taxes; and less government borrowing.

The Business Council's endorsement of Andrew Cuomo was its first political endorsement in its history.
