Business Council says unemployment numbers show need to help NY businesses


Director of Communications

ALBANY— “The new unemployment numbers in New York are staggering. They show that state government must do everything it can to help the private sector recover and create jobs. The state's economy cannot stand another round of tax increases or mandates on private sector employers,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.

Today's report from the state Department of Labor (DOL) shows more than 850,000 New Yorkers unemployed in June. According to DOL that is the highest number on record since 1976.

“The Governor has confirmed that we have a growing budget deficit and that he and the legislature are going to need to reduce it later this year. These shocking unemployment numbers show that the budget cannot be balanced with higher taxes; instead New York must reduce its spending,” said Adams.

“New York is at the edge of the cliff. The budget passed this spring included the biggest tax increase in state history; state spending continues to outpace revenues; the number of unemployed is at a 33-year high; and, our economy continues to deteriorate,” added Adams. “The message is clear — Albany must reduce spending and eliminate obstacles to private sector job creation and economic recovery."
