Legislative Leaders Address The Business Council Annual Meeting in Buffalo


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The two leaders of the state legislature will speak about their priorities for the 2009 legislative session at a general session of The Business Council of New York State's annual meeting on Wednesday morning, Sept. 17 in Buffalo, NY.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos will speak about the issues to the general session which begins at 9 am at the Adam's Mark Hotel in Buffalo.

“We are very pleased that both legislative leaders will be joining us in Buffalo to provide our members their insight into the issues and challenges ahead in the 2009 legislative session,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council.

Media are welcome to cover the session.

Background on The Business Council: The Business Council is New York's largest broad-based employer group, representing more than 3,000 member employers large and small across the state. Based in Albany, its mission is to create economic growth, good jobs and strong communities across New York State.
