Statement from The Business Council on Governor Cuomo's State of the State Address


Director of Communications

ALBANY—“Governor Cuomo's State of the State address shows his strong commitment to creating jobs and reviving New York's economy. After years of overspending and overtaxing in Albany, it is clear that this Governor ‘gets it.' Governor Cuomo and business leaders are on the same page when it comes to creating business opportunities, retaining skilled workers, encouraging private-sector jobs and investment, as well as reducing the cost of doing business in New York.

The Governor's continued call for spending restraint, mandate relief, health care reforms and reducing the tax burden on businesses, together with public and energy infrastructure investments and legalized casino gaming, will do a great deal to create jobs across New York.

We applaud the Governor's proposal to improve the effectiveness of an education system and create new ways to improve an aging energy infrastructure throughout the state.

We also support the Governor's plan for a Tier VI pension system, which will help control unsustainable pension costs and save state taxpayers billion of dollars in the years to come.

New York is in a stronger economic position today than we were last year due to the enactment of critical reforms backed by The Business Council, which included a 2 percent cap on the growth of property taxes, a new, permanent economic development low-cost power program and a fiscally responsible state budget. Now we need to build on that success and continue our fight to reduce the high cost of doing business in New York.

In the days ahead, The Business Council looks forward to seeing the details on the Governor's proposals and continuing our strong working relationships with the Governor, the Senate and the Assembly.”

- Heather Briccetti, President and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.