State releases draft policy on 'environmental justice'


Director of Communications

The state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has issue a draft policy for incorporating "environmental-justice" concerns in its permit-review process. DEC is encouraging public comment on the proposal.

The draft policy includes recommendations from representatives of business groups (including The Business Council), environmental activists, and groups representing minority and low-income communities.

An advisory group including these interest groups first submitted a report to DEC in January. DEC has held statewide hearings on this report. Its draft policy reflects these recommendations, public reactions, and comments of DEC staff, a DEC release said.

The Business Council, environmental activists, and groups representing minority and low-income communities gave DEC recommendations in January. The draft policy reflects those recommendations as well as public and DEC staff comments.

Under the policy DEC would:

. Use U.S. Census data and other tools to identify minority and low-income communities and enhance their access to public permit information, including translated materials for non-English speakers.

. Educate DEC staff on environmental justice issues.

. Revise DEC's environmental-assessment form to help identify potential significant adverse environmental impacts.

. Develop funding mechanisms and criteria for a technical assistance program in the permit process.

. Establish two work groups to help DEC develop environmental justice data for use in the environmental review process.

DEC will accept written comments on the proposal until September 20 at [email protected]. The draft policy will be posted at