Senate passes four key bills supported by Council


Director of Communications

The state Senate has approved several bills which The Council is strongly supporting.

The first bill (S.3795B-Seward) would give sole proprietors access to more affordable health insurance by letting them buy group-rate insurance through chambers and other associations. The Assembly is mulling a similar bill (A.7413B-Morelle).

Continuing increases in health insurance costs have made insurance less affordable for small business proprietors, whose premiums have increased 30 percent or more. And many insurers, pressured by skyrocketing costs, have eliminated sole proprietors' longstanding access to group-rated insurance coverage.

The Council has been conducting a Web-based electronic-advocacy campaign in support of this bill (S.3795B-Seward/A.7413-Morelle) with support from The Council's affiliate, the Chamber Alliance of New York State.

To date, this 'e-advocacy' has generated more than 12,000 letters of support to lawmakers and key members of their staffs.

The Senate also passed a bill (S.5561-Stafford/A.9230-Gantt) which would increase, from 17,000 to 25,000, state permits available for large trucks. The bill would also create uniform, equitable penalties for violations of weight laws and change requirements affecting the number of axles on such trucks as well as required safety equipment.

And the Senate has passed a bill (S.1810-Seward) which would deregulate many commercial insurance lines, simplifying insurers' filing of new or revised rates and forms with the state Insurance Department.