Business Council statement on Tax Foundation Ranking


Director of Communications

ALBANY, N.Y.—“Today’s release by the Tax Foundation shows that while we have made real progress in reforming our corporate franchise tax, we have a long way to go in improving our overall business tax burden,” said Heather C. Briccetti Esq., president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “The Tax Foundation rightly praises the Governor and state lawmakers for enacting substantive corporate tax reform that puts New York in the top third nationwide. But our overall ranking of 49 only adds to the impression that our state is anything but open for business. Policymakers should take a long, hard look at this report as they consider imposing new, costly mandates on business, including a $15 minimum wage that would cost upwards of $16 billion dollars and eliminate up to 600,000 jobs. We need to make it easier for our businesses to succeed, not harder.”

View the Tax Foundation’s rankings here