Let NY Work unveils six-point plan for mandate relief


Director of Communications

ALBANY— Heather Briccetti, acting-president and CEO of The Business Council, was joined by business, local government and education leaders to unveil a six-point plan for real mandate relief in New York State.

Image removed.“Real mandate relief is part of a broader goal of controlling total state and local spending, and lowering the combined tax burden on individuals and businesses,” said Briccetti. “A more competitive cost climate is essential for promoting new investment and new job growth in New York. The enactment of a 2 percent cap on the growth of property taxes was the first step. By working together, members of this newly-formed coalition hope to rein in the high cost of state mandates and provide much-needed fiscal relief to municipalities.”

(Heather Briccetti is joined by Mike Durant, New York State Director of the National Federation of Independent Business; Brian Sampson, Executive Director of Unshackle Upstate; and Jeff Williams, Manager of Governmental Relations for New York Farm Bureau)

The six-point plan is as follows:

  • Make the pension system predictable and affordable
  • Redefine compulsory arbitration
  • Control the costs of construction on public/private projects
  • When contracts expire, freeze step increases
  • Establish minimum health insurance contributions level for employees and retirees
  • No new mandates

To read the full Let NY Work press release and access the media kit click here.

To read an article by Rick Karlin in the Times Union, click here.