Business Council Applauds IBM on Electing Virginia Rometty as President and CEO


Director of Communications

ALBANY—“IBM has again chosen a leader who will continue its focus on innovation,” said Heather Briccetti, acting-president and CEO of The Business Council, commenting about Virginia Rometty being elected IBM's new President and CEO. “She has helped move IBM — which has been a Business Council member since 1923 — from a product sales model to a solution-based approach that bundles technology, streamlines operations and develops new products.”

“Samuel Palmisano, IBM's current President/CEO and chairman, and the company's board of directors have made a decision in electing Rometty, which will build upon the company's 100 year history with New York State and keep it a thriving, vibrant part of New York's economic fabric improving its global competitive position now and in the future.”

“It is clear that Rometty has provided the insight and leadership to help IBM deliver consistent results for clients and shareholders. At the same time, Virginia also sets an example to young women in New York and across America that it is possible to break the ‘glass ceiling' in the modern business world. She joins a list of Business Council member companies that have female CEOs.”

- Heather Briccetti, acting-president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.

Notables on the list of Business Council companies that are run by women include: Indra Nooyi of PepsiCo, Ursula Burns of Xerox, Ellen J. Kullman of DuPont and Meg Whitman of Hewlett-Packard.