Republican Candidate for Governor Paladino speaks at Business Council Annual Meeting


Director of Communications

ALBANY— Carl Paladino, the Republican candidate for Governor, will speak at The Business Council of New York State's Annual Meeting at 8:15 pm on Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2010 at The Sagamore Resort on Lake George in Bolton Landing, New York.

Paladino will be the first speaker at the meeting's opening dinner on Wednesday night.

Other highlights of The Business Council's Annual Meeting at The Sagamore will include:

  • Republican candidate for Comptroller Harry Wilson at 9:15 am, Thursday, Sept. 30.

  • Democratic candidate for Lt. Gov. Robert Duffy at 10 am, Thursday, Sept. 30.

  • Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Democratic candidate for Comptroller, at 10:45 am, Thursday, Sept. 30.

  • Presentation of The Corning Award for Excellence to James R. Houghton, former chairman and CEO of Corning Incorporated, 8 pm, Thursday, Sept. 30.

  • Republican candidate for Attorney General Daniel M. Donovan, Jr. at 8:30 am, Friday, Oct. 1.

  • Democratic candidate for Attorney General Eric Scheiderman at 9:30 am, Friday, Oct. 1.

Members of the news media are welcome to cover all of these sessions.

The Council's Annual Meeting attracts hundreds of top business and government leaders in the state for discussions of policy issues that matter to the state's business community. The Business Council is New York's largest broad-based business group. Headquartered in Albany, it advocates for economic growth, good jobs and stronger communities across the state. The Council's more than 3000 members represent employers of well over 1.2 million New Yorkers in all parts of the state and all sectors of business, industry, education and not-for-profit activity.
