Business Council's reform agenda highlighted in Cuomo's policy blueprint


Director of Communications

ALBANY— “In announcing his candidacy for Governor, Andrew Cuomo has put forward a substantive policy document that contains many of the fiscal reforms that The Business Council has advocated for years,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.

“The Business Council has long supported a property tax cap, state spending cap, pension reform and reducing the size and cost of state and local governments. These policies are all reflected in this new proposal; they are critical to economic recovery in New York State.” added Adams.

“We are also pleased to see that the work of our research affiliate, The Public Policy Institute, has helped inform this plan,” said Adams.

“Long term state fiscal reform is the only path to economic growth for New York. It is essential to making New York competitive in the global arena,” said Adams.

“We look forward to a debate of ideas among all the candidates to put New York on the road to recovery by lowering the cost of government and reducing the tax burden on all New Yorkers,” concluded Adams.
