New York's Lieutenant Governor to appear at The Business Council's 2012 Annual Meeting


Director of Communications

Image removed.ALBANY — Lieutenant Governor Robert (Bob) Duffy will be the keynote speaker at The Business Council's 2012 Annual Meeting on September 19.

Lt. Gov. Duffy will be addressing economic recovery and mandate reform in New York State. He is the Chair of the Regional Economic Development Councils responsible for implementing the Governor Cuomo's economic development agenda. The former Mayor of Rochester is also Chair of the Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission. In addition, Lt. Gov. Duffy also has played an instrumental role on the Governor's Mandate Relief Council.

Born in Rochester, Duffy earned a Bachelor's Degree from Rochester Institute of Technology and earned a Master's degree from Syracuse University's Maxwell School.

This is the second time Lt. Gov. Duffy is speaking at The Business Council's premier event.

Each September, The Business Council hosts a two and a half day Annual Meeting of its Board and membership. The meeting attracts more than 300 decision-makers from some of the largest and most influential employers in New York State and key state legislative and government officials. It features speakers highlighting some of the most pressing economic issues facing New York's residents and business community.

The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is the leading statewide business organization in New York, representing the interests of large and small firms throughout the state. Its membership is made up of close to 3,000 member companies, as well as local chambers of commerce and professional and trade associations.