Governor announces training grants for manufacturing workers


Director of Communications

New York is making available $7.5 million in state grants to help New York State manufacturers provide on-the-job training for workers.

The grant money is intended to help manufacturers give their workers opportunities to stay current in information technologies, processes and innovations, Governor Pataki said Tuesday in announcing the availability of the grants.

"The manufacturing sector is one of the cornerstones of New York's economy and a highly trained workforce is critical to keeping our manufacturing firms strong and competitive," Governor Pataki said.

The Governor said the grants are part of his three-part plan for manufacturers, which he announced in his State of the State message this year. That plan calls for new incentives for worker training, adoption of the single-sales factor as the basis of corporate income taxes, and elimination of the alternative minimum tax.

Applicants eligible to apply for training funds include small, medium or large manufacturing businesses or business consortia that employ workers in occupations that currently have a high demand in the marketplace.

All businesses represented in business consortia must be headquartered or have at least one branch of each represented business physically located in New York State. All funds awarded must be expended on workers at facilities in New York.

Proposals which address changes in work processes, such as the introduction of lean manufacturing, will also be considered.

Awards will be made based on the quality of the proposal submitted and by geographic distribution. All proposals are due by May 7, 2001. Awards will be made in June.