Council wins 'intervenor' status in Bethlehem power-plant application


Director of Communications

The Business Council has won standing as a party in proceedings in which the state is considering a proposal to site a new power plant in Bethlehem, Albany County.

The Council is also likely to win "intervenor" status in a second case, a spokesman for the state Public Service Commission said.

The Council sought intervenor status in two cases: Brookhaven Energy's proposal for a 580-megawatt plant in Suffolk County, and PSEG Power New York's proposal for a 750-megawatt plant in Bethlehem.

As an intervenor, The Council will argue that New York needs to add power-generating capacity for its long-term economic health. No parties have intervened in earlier cases to make such arguments.

The Council's research affiliate, The Public Policy Institute, is doing research on energy to support this effort. A recent Institute survey shows that New York employers believe it is important to add generating capacity.