Business Council takes to radio in support of fiscal reform


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is launching a radio campaign to support fiscal reform to put New York back to work.

“Throughout last year, The Business Council has campaigned for our Five to Survive fiscal reform agenda to create jobs and put New York on the road to economic recovery,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “This radio campaign is a continuation of that effort.”

The copy for the ad is:

“Hear that?”

[sounds of screeching saw cutting wood, computer keys clacking, truck backing up, cash register ringing, other “working” sounds]

“That's the long awaited sound of New Yorkers getting back to work.”

[bring up music underneath]

“But New York's economy will only recover if Albany is serious this year about creating jobs and reforming the way state government works.”

“Governor Cuomo is right New York is at a crossroads. He is right when he says, “New York has no future as the tax capital of the nation." To build a brighter future we need real reform. We need to cap local property taxes, with real mandate relief, cap state spending, lower the tax burden, reform public employee pensions and stop borrowing to pay operating costs.

You can learn more by logging onto Because if we don't succeed in reforming Albany this year, this is the only sound we'll hear from New York's economy:

[music underneath cuts out suddenly – only sound is of crickets chirping]

"This message brought to you by the Business Council of New York State, working to create economic growth, good jobs and strong communities across New York State."

Listen to the ad here.
