Business Council statement on Senate passage of the Wage Theft Prevention Act


Director of Communications

ALBANY—“We thank Senator John DeFrancisco and the Senate leadership for acting on this bipartisan measure, and we urge the Assembly to immediately take up and pass the legislation.

The Business Council also applauds Assemblyman Dennis Gabryszak, author of the Assembly legislation and a long-standing advocate for small businesses.

With so much of the focus in 2012 on economic development, it's fitting that the New York State Senate voted to repeal a costly, unnecessary new mandate on businesses.

The Governor's pro-jobs agenda — including the regional councils and ‘New York Open for Business' initiative — is sending a clear message that the past anti-growth culture in Albany is over. The Senate's passage of legislation that would fix the Wage Theft Prevention Act is an important step toward realizing this goal of fostering investment and economic development in New York.”

-- Heather Briccetti, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.