Business Council endorses Fred Akshar for New York State Senate Announces support for Akshar’s “Fair Share for the Southern Tier Plan”


Director of Communications

ALBANY, N.Y.—The Business Council of New York State, Inc. today endorsed Fred Akshar for New York State Senate in the 52nd District.

“Fred is the type of pro-business, pro-growth voice that we need in Albany,” said Heather C. Briccetti, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State. “His ‘Fair Share for the Southern Tier Plan’ is a substantive policy document that will help improve the economy of the Southern Tier and grow jobs.”

Akshar’s “Fair Share” plan, announced two weeks ago, would: increase economic development aid to the region; cut taxes; call for the elimination of unnecessary regulatory burdens on business; invest in the people of the Southern Tier; and capitalize on Binghamton University, a world-class institution of higher learning.

The “Fair Share” plan also includes a proposal to significantly reduce taxes on small business. This proposal builds on recent business tax reforms and cuts taxes for the large number of New York’s small businesses that pay their business tax under the personal income tax, rather than the corporate franchise tax. This proposal would provide up to $200 million in tax relief for small business owners across the state.

The Business Council represents nearly 2,400 private sector employers across New York State, with members in all economic sectors and of all sizes, who together employ more than 1.2 million New Yorkers. The Political Action Committee of The Business Council makes endorsements of candidates who support The Council's mission to create economic growth, good jobs and strong communities across New York State.
