The Business Council Backs Cohen for State Senate


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Bob Cohen in the 37th State Senate District.

"As a businessman, Bob Cohen has seen firsthand the need to reduce the burdens on business. He has had to navigate through the maze of taxes, regulations and fees that affect the bottom line,” said Heather Briccetti, president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “It is with that experience, Bob will bring a fresh perspective on economic growth and job creation that will help all businesses in New York."

"It's an enormous honor to be endorsed by the New York State Business Council, an organization that fights every day for the pro-job growth policies New York needs,” said Bob Cohen. “Here in Westchester, crushing property taxes are hurting not only families, but small businesses as well. As state senator, I will do everything in my power to lower those taxes and support legislation that will jump-start New York's economy and get Westchester's unemployed back to work."

Cohen has a simple message of fiscal responsibility, lower taxes, and good government.

He wants to cut property taxes, reduce spending and create jobs.  

As a strong advocate for the property tax cap, he believes it was an important first step. As a member of the Senate he will fight to make sure that Albany eliminates billions of dollars in unfunded mandates it passes on to local governments and schools districts.

Cohen supports a spending cap that would prevent the politicians and special interests from increasing spending in the future.

Cohen believes that Albany needs to cut taxes that hurt middle-class families and small businesses, eliminate the unfair MTA Payroll Tax on jobs and make Westchester a more competitive place to start and run a business.
It is for these reasons that The Business Council believes that Bob Cohen will be a great state Senator for the people of Westchester.

This endorsement comes through the Business Council's Political Action Committee.