How Kodak updated elected officials on its public-policy priorities-and its collaboration with The Council


Director of Communications

Kodak's public-policy priorities, and how it works with The Business Council to pursue them, were the focus of a one-day event the company conducted on Oct. 8 for both company executives and the region's elected officials in state government.

The event was a resounding success, and both Kodak and The Council are encouraging other Council members to consider replicating it.

Elliott Shaw, director of government affairs for The Council, and Ken Pokalsky, The Council's director of environmental and economic development programs, participated in the event at the request of Kodak. Kodak has its headquarters and its largest manufacturing facility in Rochester.

The day's events included two separate but related sessions.

The morning session focused on Kodak's public-policy priorities, its interactions with government, and its collaboration with The Business Council in pursuing its priorities. Charles Barrentine, a Kodak vice president and manager of its Kodak Park site, and a member of The Business Council's Board of Directors, was joined in this session by about 20 other Kodak executives and managers.

This session included:

  • A briefing on the company's public-policy programs and priorities by Stephen J. Ciccone, who oversees Kodak's government relations in all 50 states.

  • A presentation by Shaw on The Business Council, its advocacy, and how it works with Kodak.

  • A description of the legislative process in Albany by state Assemblyman Joseph Morelle (D-Rochester).

  • Briefings by Shaw and Pokalsky on The Business Council's efforts related to the environment, health-care costs, and safety issues, with emphasis on how Kodak's participation on The Business Council committees in these areas can benefit most from their participation.

The second part of the day was a reception for Kodak executives with strong interests in public affairs and about a dozen of the region's elected officials in state government.

Daniel Carp, president and CEO of Kodak, introduced the session by emphasizing the importance of Kodak's participation in the democratic process. Kodak's participants then had an opportunity to pose questions to visiting elected officials.

"Kodak has three great strengths in our public policy work in Albany: a committed team of Kodak executives and technical experts who invest time to engage on issues; a real partnership with members of the Rochester-area delegation to the Legislature; and close collaboration with The Business Council in our advocacy work," Ciccone said.

"These sessions reinforced each of our strengths, as it brought together Kodak people, area legislators and Business Council staff not only to talk about issues, but to build relationships."

Shaw praised the event.

"These sessions strengthened our relationship with Kodak while reminding key legislators of the close relationship between The Council and its members in the leadership in New York's business community," he said. "We would welcome opportunities to help other members conduct similar events."