Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to address Annual Meeting of The Business Council on Friday, September 19


Director of Communications

Albany, NY—Governor Andrew M. Cuomo will address The Annual Meeting of The Business Council of New York State at The Sagamore Resort, Bolton Landing, Warren County, on Friday September 19 at 10:00 a.m.

Gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino will address the meeting on Thursday evening at about 7:00 p.m.

Later on Friday morning, Eric T. Schneiderman, Esq., Attorney General, State of New York; John P Cahill, Council, Chadbourne & Parke, LLP, and Republican Candidate for New York State Attorney General; Robert E. Antonacci, Onondaga County Comptroller and Republican Candidate for New York Sate Comptroller; and Thomas P. DiNapoli, Comptroller, State of New York, will address the meeting.

The Annual Meeting began this afternoon with more than 300 business leaders, government leaders and elected officials attending. Those wishing to attend The Annual Meeting may still register on site.
