Business Council statement on local government consolidation legislation


Director of Communications

ALBANY— “Streamlining local government in New York is necessary to bring down costs and make New York competitive again,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State. “The consolidation bill signed into law by Gov. David Paterson provides an important tool for New York citizens to make local government more efficient.”

“New York has more than 10,500 local government entities which has resulted in a property tax burden that is simply unaffordable for businesses and homeowners. This new law will make it possible for local governments to consolidate and lower costs,” said Adams.

“The Business Council also congratulates Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for putting this legislation forward as well as the sponsors Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. This important legislation became law with bi-partisan support that should be applauded,” added Adams.
