Business Council releases analysis of Paid Family Leave proposals Current bill language would give New York the most expansive and least business-friendly Paid Family Leave law in the country


Director of Communications

ALBANY, N.Y.—The Business Council of New York State, Inc. today released its analysis of the current Paid Family Leave proposals and found that, if enacted, New York would have the most expansive and least business-friendly Paid Family Leave law in the nation.

“New York State employers are already facing a blizzard of federal and state labor law mandates and cost increases. Imposing additional state-level requirements would only add to perception that the Empire State is hostile to business,” said Heather C. Briccetti Esq., president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “Current Paid Family Leave proposals would place an undue burden on small businesses and create a system where business owners will have to comply with separate standards from the state and federal governments.”

According to The Business Council’s analysis, only three other states (California, New Jersey and Rhode Island) have Paid Family Leave laws. Washington State has passed, but never implemented, its Paid Family Leave legislation. The maximum benefit period of California and New Jersey’s leave laws is six weeks; Rhode Island’s is only four. All of the proposals currently being considered in Albany have a maximum duration of 12 weeks, double the next highest state. The New York proposals would also apply to all employers, and allow employees to be eligible for paid leave after as little as four weeks on the job. In comparison, the federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) exempts employers with fewer than 50 employees, and requires employees be on the job for a year before becoming eligible for benefits. Our state’s proposals would impose an entirely new compliance burden on small business employers and make New York’s employment requirements the most lax in the country.

“We have heard concerns from employers of all size that a mandatory paid leave law, as proposed for New York, will impose significant compliance and staffing challenges,” added Briccetti. “The Business Council of New York State encourages our lawmakers to avoid adding extra burdens on employers.”
