Business Council issues Myths & Facts on “Spending Lobby's” ad campaigns


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State is responding to New York's “Spending Lobby's” flood of media ads designed to frighten New Yorkers about any state budget spending restraint.

“Groups representing institutions and unions that get much or all of their funding from taxpayers have flooded New York's airways with commercials designed to frighten New Yorkers. The bottom line in these ads is always some variation on a simple scare tactic: the notion that even modest spending restraint in New York will somehow undermine schools, health-care institutions, and the very fabric of our society,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council. “The facts don't support these apocalyptic claims.”

“In the face of the worst financial crisis of our times, Gov. David Paterson has proposed modest and reasonable spending restraint to try to put New York back on a course of economic growth. His efforts have been met with a torrent of these ads,” said Adams.

The briefing paper highlights five myths that claim that any spending restraint will damage the state's health care, education and quality of life. The paper can be found here. Image removed.
