The Business Council endorses Sen. Owen Johnson in the 4th Senate District


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Sen. Owen Johnson for re-election in the 4th Senate District.

“Sen. Johnson has led the fight for a pro-jobs agenda in Albany. He obtained the highest score on The Business Council's Voters' Guide by supporting policies that will create jobs,” said Kenneth Adams, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State.

“The Democratic Majority in the State Senate has spent the last two years voting to impose billions of dollars in new taxes on New Yorkers. These taxes have made the impact of the national recession even worse here in New York and made it harder for our businesses to succeed. And despite these huge increases in taxes the state is still facing billions of dollars in red ink,” added Adams. “Sen. Johnson realizes that we cannot stay on the current course in Albany. Spending and taxes must come down.”

Sen. Johnson supports the Business Council's Enough Already NY campaign's Five to Survive economic reform agenda which includes: a property tax cap; a state spending cap; reducing the tax burden; reforming public employee pensions and limiting government borrowing.

He is also has the top pro-jobs voting percentage on the The Business Council Voters' Guide, available here, at 90 percent.

The endorsement comes through the Business Council's Political Action Committee.
