Business Council Endorses Kemp Hannon in the 6th State Senate District


Director of Communications

ALBANY— The Business Council of New York State, Inc. is endorsing Camp Hannon in the 6th State Senate District.

"Kemp Hannon understands that to put New York on a path to economic recovery we need to lower taxes and lower the cost of doing business in this state. As a member of the Senate, Kemp has been a champion of pro-growth policies and will continue to focus on those policies when he is reelected Senator," said Heather Briccetti, president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc.

In the Senate, Kemp supported much of the Business Council's economic reform agenda which includes the enactment of a property tax cap; mandate relief and tax reform; public employee pension reforms and limiting government borrowing.

Kemp successfully fought to enact the 2 percent property tax cap and as Chairman of the Senate Health Committee he led the fight to enact Medicaid cost controls.

Kemp scored 89 percent on the Business Council's 2012 Voters' Guide for his votes in the Senate.

The 2012 Voters Guide measures New York State legislators' commitment to promoting fiscal reform and improving the state's economic climate by scoring their votes on key legislation during the 2012 session.

This endorsement comes through the Business Council's Political Action Committee.