Business Council End of Session Priorities


Director of Communications

ALBANY N.Y.—The Business Council of New York State, Inc. unveiled its end of session priorities today, including key issues of concern to The Business Council's diverse membership base and a broad public policy agenda that impacts businesses in New York.

“Safeguarding business interests in our state is the only way New York's economy will grow, creating more jobs and stronger communities,” said Heather C. Briccetti, Esq., president and CEO of The Business Council of New York State, Inc. “Our agenda focuses on creating solutions to issues hindering business growth and to create a vibrant economy.”

The Business Council's extensive agenda covers a wide range of employer-led issues. Among the most pressing priorities:

  • New York's antiquated Scaffold Law increases liability costs for business and government alike. A comparative negligence standard will reduce insurance costs and promote additional public and private capital investments.
  • Eliminating the Wage Theft Prevention Act's annual wage notice provision'; opposing increased pay and benefit mandates on private sector employers; adopting reasonable standards regarding pay equity and workplace accommodations.
  • Supporting the extension and reform of the brownfield cleanup program and its remediation and redevelopment tax credits, without an extension, projects begun under the current program risk not being completed if the program is allowed to expire.
  • Opposing Campaign Finance Reform proposals that would further limit business' participation in the political process as well as proposals to adopt public campaign financing or use enforcement-related revenues to fund public campaigns.

For more on The Business Council's legislative priorities, visit