Business Council applauds ESDC appointments


Director of Communications

ALBANY— “Governor David Paterson has strengthened New York's economic development prospects with his nominations of Marisa Lago as President and Chief Executive Officer of the Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) and Dennis Mullen as Upstate President of ESDC,” said Kenneth Adams, president & CEO of The Business Council of New York State.

“Along with ESDC Chairman Robert Wilmers, Marisa Lago and Dennis Muller form a strong team to lead New York's economic development efforts in these tough economic times,” said Adams. “The Business Council also supports the governor's consolidation of the agency under a state-wide Chairman and a state-wide CEO. This new efficiency will help ESDC better coordinate and focus its resources. These changes will make ESDC a more effective partner to the NYS business community that it seeks to support.”

“The Business Council looks forward to working with the new ESDC leadership team to promote economic growth, good jobs and strong communities throughout New York,” said Adams.
