S.5323-B (Robach) /A.7229-B (Morelle)


Manager of Government Affairs


S.5323-B (Robach) /A.7229-B (Morelle)


Hazardous waste fees and surcharges



The Business Council supports this legislation which would change the formula for the imposition of fees and surcharges on hazardous waste generation. Specifically the bill would:

  • Eliminate the fee on hazardous waste and hazardous wastewater that is generated and recycled on-site; and
  • Calculate the tax on such waste based on the net amount of waste placed in the waste stream as opposed to the gross amount a facility generates.

Hazardous waste generators should not be penalized with burdensome fees and surcharges when they are taking affirmative approaches to recycle and reuse their waste material. Increased fees will only make it more difficult for generators to institute such programs.

This bill offers a reasonable approach that ties the fees to actual waste placed in the waste stream. This will help lower the financial burdens on generators that have adopted waste recycling programs, while encouraging additional generators to do the same.

This is sound environmental policy that promotes the recovery and reuse of excess wastes.
For these reasons the Business Council recommends approval of S.5323-B/A.7229-B.